Did Hillary rig the election and still lose?

2016-11-10 5:31 am

回答 (23)

2016-11-10 4:16 pm
Did Hillary rig the election and still lose?
Stupid Question , doesn't matter either > get over it & yourself > HILLARY LOST, TRUMP WON !!
2016-11-10 11:35 am
Yes .
2016-11-10 5:34 am
im sure she got more than her fair share of dead people votes.
2016-11-10 5:33 am
That was the outcome of last night...haha!
2016-11-10 5:34 am
Yes, each and every Democrat voted at least twice, and that still wasn't enough.
2016-11-10 5:32 am
No XD. It's virtually impossible to cheat it. You can try, but it's just not possable.
2016-11-11 8:06 am
2016-11-11 2:36 am
She had the press behind her. They made fools of themselfs. She had the polls behind her. She outspent 10 to 1. Some machines only gave her the vote. 1% more would have been a good thing for her. The Republicans were for her. So yes it was rigged in many ways. & she still lost. The people spoke.
2016-11-10 5:35 am
The whole country must be Russian!
2016-11-10 5:38 am
Ya know, I wondered why all the news outlets and Hillary voters were so confident she would win, despite the polls being so wrong in primaries. Perhaps they did...hence their overconfidence. If so, that would be super pathetic.
2016-11-10 5:32 am
Yeah. lmao. She spent SO much money paying people to make Trump the butt of their jokes & make her look fabulous.
2016-11-10 3:38 pm
Yes, there was countless reports of cheating. That's what the democrats do. All that and she still lost!
2016-11-10 5:36 am
con genius suggests it's only rigged if cons lose
2016-11-10 5:34 am
No, and she won the popular vote. You STILL feel the need to pick on her?
2016-11-11 1:10 am
It certainly WAS rigged by progressive liberals.As to how much she actually knew or controlled will probably be a secret until she dies.
2016-11-10 10:38 pm
she did her best of course. Look at the PRESS saying that she was going to WIN and that she was ahead, trying to CON the simple mind to vote for her. Cheap tricks indeed, that's why she lost.
2016-11-10 7:59 pm
"Depends on what you call rigged"..receiving large sums of foreign money from China ..Saudi Arabia ..and yes --Russia also to aid her run for President sounds like it..including the huge efforts of the main medias to be one sided for her certainly sounds like it . Hillary Clinton & Gang are criminals who have met their political ends--now the work ahead truly begins .Let all Americans come together now and add their support for our President Elect Donald Trump...for this is where the real power of our nation resides...with The People .
Have a nice day.
2016-11-10 4:34 pm
It was a personality contest and people chose entertaining jerk over boring politician.
2016-11-10 10:10 am
2016-11-10 5:44 am
2016-11-10 8:33 pm
WHo knows?
2016-11-10 11:48 am
The idea that the presidential election can be rig, or is controlled by the "shadowy elite" is a myth, which this election proves. Hilary is a part of the "shadowy elite" and can only "influence" an election. Reagan/Bush, was the last time a party had consecutive presidential term, and it doesn't happen often. What does the "shadowy elite" get out of flip-flopping parties every other election cycle or so? Trump played to the myth, but was more so asserting that our "socio-political" system is "rigged" to favor the elite class and ensure their power. That is no secret, but the fact that Trump openly exposed it touched on what everyone else already knew and was fed up with.

Because the public is largely uninformed, in any society, we don't understand how our process works and why it is set up the way it is. It is a more fascinating narrative to tell, if everything was ran by a small group of corporate "comic book villains" who decide the outcomes of presidential elections. Reality is always stranger than fiction, because man doesn't have a big enough imagination. I am not saying there aren't powerful shadowy figures trying to influence things, but it is nearly impossible to prove what exactly influences the outcome of an election. When we hear of a party, campaign, or the media rigging an election, what it usually amounts to is "unethical" partisanship where there is an expectation of nonpartisanship.
2016-11-10 5:40 am
Pootin...oh, I mean Putin sent a email laced with a Russian virus from space to all the voting machines.
2016-11-10 5:37 am
In a direct democracy I could see it but not in a Republic.
2016-11-10 1:41 pm
I believe her supporters working in the election process tried in places like Texas, but got caught doing it. That suppressed the attempt, making what little cheating useless.

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