He sprained his wrist punching the wall. 請問 sprained 動詞 後 punching 是什麼句型?

2016-11-09 11:58 pm

回答 (5)

2016-11-10 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
受詞:his wrist
修飾語:punching the wall(「分詞構句」修飾述部sprained his wrist,兩者發生的時間點「相同」,用現在分詞punching表示這是主動的行為)
「分詞構句」在英文文法書上稱之為participle clause或participial construction。

本句也可寫成:He sprained his wrist while punching the wall.或While punching the wall, he sprained his wrist.句焦點不在做為修飾語的分詞構句上,而是在主句上。
2016-11-10 9:07 am
Rearranging w/o "while";
participial being a participle;
punching is a present participle
while punching the wall is a participle phrase;
eg:-He sprained his wrist
punching the wall.-----a participle phrase, adv.
2016-11-10 4:19 am
punching the wall是現在分詞片語作為解釋或設定主句He sprained his wrist受傷的背景或原因。一般分詞片語先說作為表達一事件或一狀況導致主句的結果:

Punching the wall, he sprained his wrist.

2016-11-11 9:24 am
He sprained his wrist which punched the wall.=> He sprained his wrist punching the wall. ** which punched the wall.(a.cl.)=punching the wall是簡化的分詞構句.
2016-11-10 1:19 am
punching the wall是副詞片語,用來形容sprained 動詞

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