Why is Prince Harry dating an American? Shouldn't our Royal Family consist of people from the UK?

2016-11-09 12:26 pm
So if they marry, this American will have a title. Isn't this a conflict of interest.

回答 (19)

2016-11-09 1:17 pm
There is no law that says he must date people from the UK . So he is free to date anyone he wants.
2016-11-09 1:13 pm
Grace Kelly, an American, married the Prince of Monaco.
2016-11-09 2:49 pm
royalty always used to marry foreigners. yhere's no reason why harry shouldn't marry an. american.
2016-11-09 12:57 pm
Shock horror, he's actually dating AN AMERICAN. Fgs. so what!! I'd like to think we have moved on a bit since dating an American (to say nothing of a mix-race American) causes a melt down in the UK.
2016-11-09 2:10 pm
Historically, royal families have almost always married foreigners, not only for political advantage but also for status reasons (foreign royals were their equals, marrying their own subjects was infra dig). It's only in the last 100 years or so that it has become normal for royals to marry fellow-countrypersons.

And if Meghan M does marry Harry and the Queen makes him a duke, she will still only be a duchess by marriage; she won't have a title *of her own*, so theoretically won't even have to renounce her American citizenship to use it.
2016-11-09 1:52 pm
I hope this is a joke. Prince Harry can marry whoever he likes. The days of dynastic marriages are over. Who cares who he marries? Who would the "conflict of interest" apply to exactly?

As a matter of interest, the current Queen of the Netherlands is originally from Argentina and the Crown Princess of Denmark was originally from Australia. This concern with people's nationality when it comes to the Royal Family is completely unnecessary and i'm sure they themselves don't care.
2016-11-09 8:08 pm
His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales has a girlfriend who is a human being. Her nationality, ethnicity, socio-economic group, religion, level of education, etc. should be irrelevant. The choice is theirs. I cannot believe how appallingly she is being treated by the press. They should be left alone. How would you feel if the rest of the world was telling you how to behave and splashing your life all over the press. The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Henry have come out relatively normal considering the upbringing they had, the very public battle between their parents and the loss of their mother at a young age.
2016-11-09 12:27 pm
They aren't dating she's just a little tart on the side for him. They would be forbidden to marry and he would be kicked out of the royal family losing his privileges.
2016-11-21 1:40 pm
There have been several European royals who have married commoners from other countries. Prince Fredrick of Norway married a girl from Tasmania, and two of the princesses from Sweden married commoners--one from America and the other one married her horse groomer.
2016-11-10 5:30 pm
He is dating the woman because he likes her. There is no conflict of interest if a royal marries an American.

Grace Kelly married the Prince of Monaco. She became his princess consort.
Lisa Halaby married the King of Jordan.

Marrying foreigners is nothing new to ANY royal family.

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