Has USA proved itself to be a country of racists?

2016-11-09 8:30 am

回答 (8)

2016-11-09 8:31 am
It is mostly the DEMOCRAT LEFT who have been the racists throughout our history.
2016-11-09 8:51 am
America is so very judgemental
2016-11-09 8:44 am
Hmm! Yup, the liberals have been unmasked!
2016-11-09 8:33 am
Why...Is it because we want stronger borders?

Kiss my as kid
2016-11-09 8:33 am
There are racists, but fortunately she and her party lost the Presidential election.
2016-11-12 11:59 pm
Sure. Stupid ones, too.

To use their own terminology, they got "cucked" by their own candidate. And they're too stupid to even realize it.
It was a stroke of pure political genius to harness America's lunatic fringe nutjobs.
No candidate before Trump has ever thought to do that before.

But they're all in for one hell of a rude surprise when they realize Trump played them all for chumps.
That's been obvious since April, when his chief campaign strategist was recorded telling RNC leaders that Trump was just playing a role to ****** voters into supporting him. And that he'd drop that persona later on.

Well, now that's he's gotten what he needed from America's white trash voters, he's already changing.
He's softening his stance on everything he promised to the growing horror of his true-believer supporters.

That's what they get for actually believing pie-in-the-sky campaign promises.
Because all politicians lie through their teeth to get elected. Even first-time newbie politicians like Trump.
Frankly, it serves his supporters right for being dumb enough to trust him.
2016-11-09 8:41 am
2016-11-09 8:35 am
Yes; and morons.

Bush Jr. all over again.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:46:51
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