Is suicide wrong?

2016-11-08 10:13 pm
In my case,i have a genetic permanent disease! Migraines. Fatigue. Dizziness. Pressure in head and body. Sensitivity to light. Dry eyes. Bad knee and joints. Brain fog. Reynaud's. Hypothermia caused by REYNAUDS. Depression. Etc... All symptoms I mentioned are 24/7 nonstop. I'm in too much pain. I never had a normal childhood. Always sick and seeing docs. Not social. I'm done. Please tell me if you actually think this is selfish of me to want to kill myself,and to do so. Please give and explain opinions. What would you do in my situation? What are your religious opinions?(I'm not religious). Thanks!

回答 (10)

2016-11-08 10:16 pm
I am so very sorry that you have suffered so deeply and so long. I used to get migraines when I was younger and I know how painful those are. I used to think someone would find me dead on the bathroom floor after an attack. I can't imagine dealing with other ailments as well! I would suggest you try one more procedure to find relief. They are doing much better work on electrotherapy. Have you considered this or spoken to a doctor about it? Also, believe it or not, Botox has been prevent to help with migraines. That doesn't solve your other problems, but maybe you'd find relief for migraines. And I'd also try bike riding (yes, bike riding - mountain bikes). I was raised a Catholic, but I believe in the right for an individual to choose their own medical care and if that includes ending their life because of a terminal illness, then I'm ok with that. I'm so sorry for your pain. It's not fair.
2016-11-08 10:51 pm
I beilive that suicide is wrong depending on the contexts of the situation. If a teenager wants to kill theirselves over something that is temporary, then yes it is wrong because there are other solutions. In your situation I think that it is justified. I would watch the documentary "How To Die In Oregon" and other movies about assisted suicide, so you know what you're getting yourself into. I would research a lot about assisted suicide and the availability of it near you or near a country close to you. It might make you feel better just knowing that you have the option. Talk to your family members about it. Let them understand your pain, let them know why you beilive it is your only option. Let them prepare themselves. If I love someone and it is truly something that they need to do, because they can't live another second on this earth, because of the physical pain, then I'll understand. I won't be happy, but I'll get it. I'm so sorry that you feel this way and I'm sorry that it could be your only option at this point since it's permanent, but remember the people you're leaving behind and handle the situation as gently as possible in fairness to them. If you ever need anyone to talk to on the phone or text, feel free to message me. I don't judge your decision, because in the end of the day it is YOUR choice. I'm personally an Atheist.

EDIT: If you need to talk my yahoo email is: [email protected]
2016-11-08 10:18 pm
Please don't do suicide no matter what
2016-11-08 10:15 pm
IMO, suicide is only "right" for the person who decides it for themselves.
2016-11-08 10:17 pm
It is selfish, your family would be devastated. Talk to someone close to you about the way you are feeling. I am very sorry about what you are going through but suicide is not the answer.
2016-11-10 9:30 am
2016-11-09 11:43 pm
Hello there! I can't even imagine what you are going through, but i can tell you that sucide is not worth. Well I should be in your situation to judge, yes it's true, I don' t want to sound stupid telling you that suicidal is egoistic, but still i always felt as if there was always something which could be better than it, more worth. I would really like to talk more with you, so if you feel to, just write to me, I will be glad to write back to you. Stay strong, looking forward to hearing from you
2016-11-09 1:32 am
No, in some cultures it's hounerable(i think i spelled it wrong, it doesn't look spelled right)
參考: 👻
2016-11-08 11:11 pm
I think you're just in a state of giving up. Strong people don't complain, if pain hit them, they'd hit back, and when they fight so hard and get tired, a soothing feeling comes and takes their pain away.

You're asking if suicide is right, trust me, if it was right you would've done it, and you wouldn't have asked anyone..

Suffering only strike us when we give up, I've been through a lot ( starvation, disasters, sleepless nights, illness.. ) , but now that i look back, i know that the only moments that hurt where the moments where i decided to give up and just sit there doing nothing, but the moments that i worked hard and fought my harsh circumstances, i cherish them and remember them, and i feel a Holy touch inside of them. Reality hit me so bad, but the more it hit, the more mercy and enlightening i remember i felt.

But now I'm very comfortable, and living a life of pleasure, and am very thankful for the tough experiences, for.they made me appreciative and understanding of life..
2016-11-08 11:04 pm
try and put your faith in god, life is hard for most people now....also take some bioplasma to improve your health.

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