How to eat when not hungry? (I only eat 800-100 calories per day)?

2016-11-08 7:15 pm
I only eat 800-1000 calories per day. I am not anorexic in the slightest, I am considered overweight. Even though I am considered overweight, I have no desire to lose weight because my body looks perfectly fine so I'm not deliberately starving myself to lose weight. I only eat when I'm hungry and ever since I started puberty I've been feeling less and less hungry. I actually thought I ate way more than this until I started counting my calories last week and realized how much I actually eat. I find it hard to eat when I'm not hungry (I sometimes even throw it all back up) but I know I'm not eating enough. What do?

回答 (4)

2016-11-08 8:33 pm
To get in more calories, drink them. Go for healthy smoothies or nutritional shakes that contain plenty of calories and nutrition. Even when you're not hungry, it's usually not too hard to sip on a tasty drink, and once you've gotten it all down you may have added a few hundred more calories to your daily intake. ☺
2016-11-08 8:05 pm
If it suits your timetable eat four or five times per day. This way you can eat smaller portions and don't need to try fit everything in just three bigger meals.

You might be going on some stuff right now which affects your appetite. If you're a busy bee try to get anything overly stressful sorted out and also give yourself some time off so you can be on your own and relax. If you're constantly doing something that requires concentration or you simply enjoy it very much you might not notice hunger.

Add some calorie-packed foods such as different nuts. Just 10 g of walnuts is around 65kcal, the same as a 200 g apple.
2016-11-08 11:17 pm
You can lose 10 lbs/mo with this plan: Stick to fresh fruits and veggies, salads, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, whole grain cereals and drink lots of water. Avoid fast foods, junk foods, greasy foods, sodas, coffee or starches. Eat only what fits in a soup bowl. And of course do some exercising.
2016-11-08 7:23 pm
thats a little bit

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