Is suicide a selfish act?

2016-11-08 5:32 pm
I'm 18 male my disease has made me very ill. VERY iLL. MIGRAINES,FATIGUE,DIZZINESS,SENSITIVITY TO LIGHT,PRESSURE IN HEAD AND BODY,BAD KNEE,BAD JOINTS,BRAIN FOG,REYNAUDS,HYPOTHERMIA,DEPRESSSION,SOME ANXIETY,ETC ETC 24/7! If you ask me,someone calling my selfish is actually selfish themself. I think living this hell,since I am myself,im suffering more than anyone would from my death. What are your opinions? Please explain.

回答 (6)

2016-11-08 5:35 pm
No it's not selfish, it's how you feel.
But Suicide doesn't end the pain- it just passes it on to someone else. You have to think about how many people your death may affect.
參考: Personal experience
2016-11-08 6:22 pm
to be honest SUICIDE is SELFISH.
I KNOW you've been through hell and stuff and some people dont understand
but LIFE is only given ONCE.
and you just have to have FUN visit countries , chill with your friends
like when you die you never know what's going to happen.
also you have family members and loved ones and if you commit suicide it would be shame to your family.
and they'd MISS you a lot if your seriously sick why not see a doctor.
2016-11-08 9:33 pm
There are people who have gone through far worse than you but they don't complain, they just learn to live with it. You have life, don't throw it away because there are so many people dying of various conditions and diseases who would do anything to have life, and you're just throwing it away because you can't handle it anymore? Sounds selfish to me.
2016-11-08 5:37 pm
You won't expect this answer but have yourself checked for Lyme Disease tomorrow!

Yes, suicide is usually selfish and seriously damages the lives of relatives and friends. It is valid for saving another person's life and if actual pain cannot be lessened at all. Talk it over with the Samaritians or similar groups.
2016-11-08 6:30 pm
I would not call you selfish. The fact that you have been posting this question for almost a year now shows you are not selfish in providing others with the same enjoyment you get from posting these questions and seeing the responses you get.
2016-11-08 6:18 pm
keep it to yourself but its a definate maybe

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