politics: Clinton is ahead Trump its clear she is winning.WHY?

2016-11-08 4:26 pm

回答 (6)

2016-11-08 5:14 pm
Because Trump is totally unqualified, and intelligent voters do not want to place the fate of the country in the hands of a narcissistic incompetent and ignoramus with no experience in law and government.
2016-11-08 4:59 pm
Because too many people in this country are uninformed idiots with their head in the sand who hate the truth and love lies!
2016-11-08 4:30 pm
Because Trump's extemporaneous comments have alienated TOO many people. NOT just the Hispanics, NOT just the Blacks, NOT just military families, NOT just women ... he has managed to offend too many people in too many of the voting demographic segments. And also most of the rest of the world and the world leaders.

And this all-too-UN-diplomatic way of talking makes him unit to lead a group of politicians, and unfit to handle the delicate affairs of the U.S. getting along with the rest of the world.
The man is, simply, too emotionally unstable to trust with that kind of power.
He is fine as a businessman, and fine as a media celebrity. He plays those roles very aptly. But he is dysfunctional as a cool-headed facilitator, which is what is required for any leader to get his Congress to follow him

Understand that MOST of the people voting for Clinton are NOT voting FOR Clinton .. they are voting against Trump.
They do not like Clinton .. but they FEAR Trump.

You DO know that the Presidential powers are very limited. That he cannot TELL Congress what to approve. Trump does not appear to understand what the President can and cannot do.
For starters, the President CANNOT order an Inquiry (such as Trump threatened to do with Clinton, if he won the election). he can suggest but he is not the one who decides if an inquiry will be carried out. Trump apparently doesn't understand this.

All these things Trump (and Clinton) say they are going to do ... depends on whether or not they can get the House and/or the Senate to vote FOR these things.
Trump doesn't know how to move through the political society .. he can't even figure out how to get the full support of the Republican Party.
Should he win, his only way to get his ideas through is to destroy the Constitution and declare himself dictator. Because he certainly doesn't have the political skills to make anything happen as President.

All this is a moot point. People are voting even as we read/write here ... the die has been cast. There is no more electioneering to be done, no more people to try to sway.
We will know within 24 hours what the American people decide, and whatever they decide I PRAY that the HATRED will be over along with the election.
2016-11-08 4:27 pm
because shes qualified
2016-11-08 5:36 pm
This is very early to be deciding anything.
2016-11-08 5:00 pm
To many free stuff college edcucated in communistic colleges and stupid people basically

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