回答 (7)
What is help?
The first is that you might help others with a busy-body, no matter it works or not.
The second is a futile help, "you're trying hard to help, but you're making everything worse.”
The third is that you have done an unthankful help.
P.S。 busy-body 愛管閒事的人= 雞婆
【 題外話 】
~~~ 批評指責別人倒真是挺爽的一件事
~~~~ 因為你可以在不曉得前因後果的情況下
~~~~~ 大義凜然的説一大堆人生大道理
~~~~~~ 可被你數落得二呼呼的哪位卻欲辯無詞、一言難盡
~~~~~~~ 所以... 就是這樣子囉! It's up to you.
What is help?It's up to you.
The first is able to act for the benefit in need;
The second is more help more busy boost.
The third is a helpless invalid help filled with anger !
What is the meaning of help ? That will be classified into three categories: namely (1) The broody hen; (2) If anyone who wasn't the master of something but in turn his help will make thing worse; (3) It seems that his gain won't be worthy of his loss. Yip
What is help? There are three types of help, the first is the chicken woman, the second is the more help the more busy, the third is difficult thankless?
~~ 雞婆 越幫越忙 吃力不討好~~這都算了 因為至少這人是出於想助人 ~~心念是善念
~~最爛的一種~~ 眼睛都盯別人的~~只會在一旁管他人閒事 指責他人 心念也不是出於善念 而是出於惡念~就是看他人不爽~~這樣的人最差勁
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