請問下列兩個句子哪句是對的? My mom woke me up at 6:00 this morning. My mom was waking me up at 6:00 this morning. wake up如果指叫醒某人可以用進行式嗎?

2016-11-08 6:32 am

回答 (4)

2016-11-08 8:41 am
用表面字義解釋是無意義的,對明瞭使用進行式時機則迎刃而解,進行式有短時間會結束,例:I am doing exercise. 本句叫起床也不可能持續叫2個小時以上吧,即如此。而連綴動詞如feel,taste,look,sound 等,一般用原形,但強調由主詞所主導可用進行式,例:I am feeling good. 本句用原形動詞,woke 則是指一個事實 就沒有強調用意,但如此使用也正確。
2016-11-08 7:27 am
the past---the time that has gone by; things that happened in an earlier time;the recent past;=past tense:-eg:-My mom woke me up at 6:00 this morning----woke.

the continuous-happening or existing for a period of time without interruption;eg:-I was in continuous waking until this evening ! The waking has been continuous since this morning !
"was waking me up" at 6:00 this morning means repeated many times.;but you have awaken and worked in "school" almost continuously since 6:00 this morning.-----no need for the progress,continuous tense.
2016-11-08 11:53 am
1. My mom woke me up at 6:00 this morning.正確。
用「過去簡單式」的woke才能配合一個定點的過去時間(6:00 a.m.)。woke動作發生在過去的一個定點上。我媽是今天早上六點把我叫醒的。

2. My mom was waking me up at 6:00 this morning.錯誤。
因為「過去進行式」是一個過程,動作發生的時間是一段期間(是一條線),不會只在6:00 a.m.整(是一個定點),所以兩者的搭配不符邏輯。

I was writing a letter while he came in.
進來用「過去簡單式」came,因為是發生在一個時間點上(一個點),而寫信用「過去進行式」was writing,因為是一個過程(一條線),點「位於」線上。
2016-11-08 7:46 am
1.My mom woke me up at 6:00 this morning.
mom 早上6:00時叫醒我
2.My mom was waking me up at 6:00 this morning.
mom 早上6:00時正在叫醒我


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