Do drugs make you look bad in a long run?

2016-11-08 4:20 am
Hello everyone, I've been depress lately and I don't know how to handle this. It seem like just when things get better, that's when things get worse and I'm scared because sometimes I cry and get bad anxiety for no reason and nobody knows but me! I heard that drugs can make u happy and make u feel like u don't have a care in the this true? I really want this depression to leave! I'm 21 by the way. If you can help me, I would be glad. Thanks.

回答 (3)

2016-11-09 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not all of the illegal drugs are equally bad, but none of them is safe. The one that will wreck you fastest of all is meth. You *might* survive for a long time with heroin, but it's a lousy life.

Weed is a deceptive drug. It seems harmless but a lot of people use is as a crutch, and that leads to trouble. In the short-term, it makes people lazy. In the long-term, it can have serious effects on the health.

Actually, a lot of people say weed makes their anxiety worse.

The thing is, there are really good things for anxiety and depression, and they're legal - some of them costing little or nothing. This is proven with solid scientific evidence.

The experts on self-help agree that this is no substitute for regular treatment with office visits, but a lot of people benefit from it. There's no law says you can't have both of course.

Treatment usually begins with a visit to the family doctor, who can give you a physical and maybe a good referral. Treatment with just a prescription is not a very good approach. Also, if you're prescribed a drug for anxiety, educate yourself about it. There's a huge problem with addiction to benzodiazapine drugs like xanax and ativan. Never take one of these except as prescribed.

You might want to try simple self-help things and see how that goes before seeing the doctor.

Practicing a good breathing exercise daily is a good way to bring your stress down, I'll give you a good exercise, and one more effective exercise.

Here's a breathing exercise from The Healing Power of the Breath by psychiatrists Brown and Gerbarg. They recommend 20 min. of this twice a day. Lie or sit comfortably so you can breathe freely, with a hand on your abdomen to feel it go in and out. Breathe slowly through your nose, 5 breaths a minute, inhale about 4 sec., exhale about 4 sec. The authors have published 6 papers on breathing exercises and use them in their work.

Their book recommends a 3-way approach - breathing, slow body movement and mindfulness. You might be interested in Palouse Mindfulness, a free, online version of the world-famous mindfulness program MBSR, validated by literally hundreds of studies, but I suggest starting with one of MBSR's most important exercises, the Body Scan (below).

Tai Chi exercise has been shown to help children with ADHD. You can learn with one or two beginners' videos on YouTube.
2016-11-08 4:51 am
Depends on what drugs you take there are some that change your thinking ways forever and there are some that help depression such as weed
2016-11-08 4:26 am
Your going to go down a dangerous path if you do drugs. Don't do drugs, the happiness is just you hallucinating. By all means, try to do anything but drugs. Drugs can make you do things you never wished you have done, and some can be addicting. I hope you can find another way to cheer yourself up other than using drugs. Good luck

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