Veggie smoothie vs cooking....?

2016-11-08 3:25 am
Blend spinach with my favorites fruits and drink it without sugar added?

Can I still get the same health benefits without cooking them only drinking ?

回答 (3)

2016-11-08 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
From a nutrional stand point, cooking actually removes some of the good vitamins that are in vegetables. Overall, raw vegetables are healthier than cooked vegetables. Basically, you will get all the nutrition from the vegetables and fruits by blending them into a smoothie.

But, for over all health, you should not drink all the food that you take in. Drinking everything can hurt your teeth. So, I hope you are not planning on just drinking blended smoothies at every meal. Although your body would be getting all the nutrition, you would be doing damage to your health in other ways.
2016-11-09 12:06 am
OK for a snack, but you need protein for a meal.
2016-11-08 3:37 am
Hummmm - the only drawback to these 'smoothies" I've heard is that the steel teeth of the blender chop up the fiber too much. It's great to get raw spinach and nuts and good fats and all that. But one of the most important parts of all that is the fiber that's in this stuff. Your body really likes that. Too bad if the blender screws that up.

Cooked vegetables are fine too. How about the smoothy and later a nice vegetable soup with a bean broth.... lots more fiber.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:58:52
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