How long will it take me to drive from Miami to Florida?

2016-11-07 11:31 pm
Hey guys i live in Miami in southeast of the United States. I wanna visit my cousin who says he lives in Florida. I finally just got my license (6th try) LOL. Anyways how long would i have to drive for?

回答 (7)

2016-11-08 12:58 am
Is this a typical anony joke.? Time to get a life.
2016-11-07 11:36 pm
An inch as Miami is in Florida.
2016-11-12 7:50 am
WOW! If this is a serious question, I do NOT want to move to Florida! School system must be TERRIBLE down there..
2016-11-08 12:11 am
Are you for real?
2016-11-13 7:15 am
I always feel better when my doctor says something is normal for my age but then think dying will also be normal for my age at some point.
2016-11-11 7:10 am
Instantly, trolls know how to teleport.
2016-11-08 3:22 pm
No wonder it took you 6 tries to get your licence.

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