What time will you be voting tomorrow?

2016-11-07 6:35 pm

回答 (12)

2016-11-07 6:39 pm
I voted several weeks ago.
2016-11-07 6:36 pm
I thought that I would go sometime between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. when most people are working.
2016-11-07 6:48 pm
Like 8:30 or so in the morning. I have a meeting at 10 and then have to work all the way until 8 when the polls are closed.
2016-11-07 6:44 pm
Whatever time I figure out who I'm voting for
2016-11-07 6:43 pm
Probably like 7pm when I get home
2016-11-07 6:41 pm
2016-11-07 6:36 pm
Right when the polls open. I have a long commute and a busy night planned for tomorrow.
2016-11-07 6:53 pm
I can't I'm from the UK. I wish I could since I hate Donald Trump.
2016-11-07 6:38 pm
I won't vote
2016-11-07 8:41 pm
I won't vote tomorrow. Here in Colorado we have mail in ballots. I sent my in October 18th and got a confirmation a few days later that it had been received.

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