Have you ever attempted suicide?

2016-11-07 5:45 pm

回答 (25)

2016-11-07 11:25 pm
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Nope! When I was very young and depressed I thought about it, but I never had the nerve to do it. Since that time I have learned the truth in the bible, and understand why the world is so bad right now! Not only that, I realize what a wonderful future is SOON ahead.
參考: Hope you get a chance to go to JW.Org/
2016-11-07 5:52 pm
Yes...I tried to watch a 24 hour Golden Girls marathon on television once, but passed out midway through.
2016-11-07 5:49 pm
No, but I have seriously considered it to the point where I was afraid to be by myself....
2016-11-07 5:47 pm
2016-11-09 5:56 pm
ya so many times
2016-11-08 9:56 pm
My beautiful friend Laila took her life as a way to put an end to the demons in her head. My gosh she was a beautiful person, both inside and out and the world is missing out on such beautiful soul.
2016-11-08 9:33 pm
No, but I have lost someone I love very very much to suicide not so long ago. My beautiful friend Laila took her life as a way to put an end to the demons in her head. My gosh she was a beautiful person, both inside and out and the world is missing out on such beautiful soul.
2016-11-08 6:15 pm
2016-11-08 5:44 pm
Never had any cause or reason to. Plus I wouldn't even if I did since life is short and eternity is long.
And I want to make the most of this life while I have it. And thus far have.
2016-11-08 2:54 pm
Yes, I have lost count of how many times I've tried but I'm happy to still be here, I haven't acted on suicide in a while
2016-11-08 9:13 am
had a thought but didn't have courage to do it
2016-11-08 9:00 am
just got kind of thought only once.
2016-11-08 8:30 am
2016-11-08 12:55 am
Several and if any of you did succeed on here you wouldn't be typing now would you lol
2016-11-07 8:14 pm
2016-11-07 7:21 pm
Yeah. The most recent attempt was two or three weeks ago.
2016-11-07 6:41 pm
No, never.
2016-11-07 6:22 pm
2016-11-07 5:51 pm
i tried my liver took a massive hit but i still live
2016-11-07 5:50 pm
I'm not answering
2016-11-07 5:47 pm
2016-11-07 5:45 pm
a lot of times
2016-11-07 5:45 pm
Attempted? I totally succeeded
2016-11-08 5:06 am
yes one time
2016-11-08 2:26 am
None of your business.

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