I dont feel alive and its gettingn worse.?

2016-11-07 5:22 pm
Ive noticed it for the past year. I just dont feel anything anymore. Everything that's surrounding me isnt real. I dont zone out i just dont really know what im doing. Its gotten to the point now where i feel really depressed and i cannot cope anymore. I also feel as if time is flying. I have no time to do anything and it feels my time is spent on my phone. I make my own decisions s but its just feels like my soul is standing at a sideline watching my life go by. Im 16 and im fearing this will take over my life entirely i want to live i want to feel myself actually talking to someone rather than just making a conversation without sensing anything. I get moments where i stand there and just try to get myself together but it feels like i cant im too far from my body to sense anything, ive researched about this and ive discovered that it is called dissociation. Anyone else might know something about this or maybe a way i can stop this?
Thank you

回答 (4)

2016-11-08 12:08 am
Tell a dr. how you feel; there are good meds for depression, anxiety, stress
2016-11-07 5:30 pm
I really think consulting a mental health professional is probably your best starting point. As someone with a family history of mental illness (and as someone who experiences not-so-severe depression regularly), I would suggest, from personal experience, getting involved in stuff and keeping busy. I noticed my depression was particularly bad in college - when I just went to class and worked a part-time job for a few hours each week. My abundance of free-time was terrible for my mental health. After graduation, I moved to a new town, got a full-time job, involved in church, and now I'm married and have pets to keep me busy. Keeping busy gives me less time to feel depressed and it also makes me feel as if my life has PURPOSE.
2016-11-07 5:28 pm
Yes. Dissociation is treated by attending regular therapy.

You may not be able to stop it, but you can reduce its effects by going to regular therapy.

I won't tell you more bc it may interfere with the efficacy of your therapy.

No sense in standing up more hurdles than are already there.
2016-11-07 5:27 pm
First things first. Make an appointment with ur doctor

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