How to get out of a slump of anxiety and depression? This issue also contains fatigue?

2016-11-07 5:20 pm
Mental, and physical fatigue. One big thing that I've learned over the years is how little I actually get along with people. It all started a very long time ago. I really hate being ganged up on. It has been suggested by my family before that maybe I should just stop talking to them. More than once. I can't turn to them for advice anymore, not really. From time to time over the last couple of years, I've wondered if my life would have been easier with more friends, but I've been reminded again and again that maybe that's not such a good idea.

My self-esteem also suffers because of this. About two weeks ago it dawned on me how I really don't like being around my family sometimes. After an encounter with somebody I get scarred for a bit, then it goes down for a while, then the memory from time to time, comes to haunt me forever. Or at least, it goes away for a few years then comes back to bite me. It felt like I made a slight blunder this morning and it's felt like I've made another blunder just now. I really don't get along with my mother that well anymore. My parents make me kind of tired actually. I also see things, particularly on TV that get me down like this and remind me of things I've known for a while now. I realized I was depressed a long time ago.

回答 (3)

2016-11-07 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most find that therapy alone can treat their depression.

Some need medication.

Some need both.

At first, you have to WANT to change.
2016-11-08 7:50 pm
You need to learn a new hobby
2016-11-08 12:09 am
Tell a dr. how you feel; there are good meds for depression, anxiety, stress and fatigue.

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