Would you actually move I Canada if Trump gets elected?

2016-11-07 4:18 pm

回答 (17)

2016-11-07 4:23 pm
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No. I can't fight for my country and protest against Trump if I leave the country.
2016-11-07 4:18 pm
In November? that's nearly as stupid as going to Florida in August.
2016-11-07 4:20 pm
Hopefully they do, I can't wait for all of the confusion when they realize it's -30 degrees outside and the Canadians don't like illegal immigrants.
2016-11-07 4:36 pm
Canada is too close to the giant disaster area that the U.S. would become. Australia is a better choice.
2016-11-07 4:23 pm
No, but I'll be tempted if hillary wins.

But in the end, I love the country too much to leave. It's my home. And I will fight for it. Even when a lying witch or an ignorance jackass becomes president.
2016-11-07 4:21 pm
Liberals will threaten to do so, but Canada doesn't want them.

It's incredibly difficult for a U.S. citizen to emigrate to Canada, especially if he or she doesn't have critical job skills and/or a buttload of money.

Notice how not one liberal has threatened to move to Mexico?
2016-11-07 4:20 pm
Nope. I will enjoy experiencing the improvement of my country.

I won't even leave if the bytch is elected. I will stay and fight for my country and it's Constitution.
2016-11-07 5:20 pm
Would you actually move I Canada if Trump gets elected?
Why wait > BETTER would be if ALL SUCH STUPID AMERICAN'S were DEPORTED , BANNED > made to leave Amierca > NOW ! !
2016-11-07 4:22 pm
Nope. I don't do snow. And I think I would get sick of hearing people say a all the time. If you don't like how America is doing, get involved and try to change things. Don't just run. Running is for those fleeing torture, genocide, and starvation. Not just for people who are unhappy about who got elected.
2016-11-07 4:21 pm
Absolutely not.
2016-11-07 4:20 pm
I will stop you at the border - go to mexico since you like them so much
2016-11-07 4:19 pm
no. it's cold there.
2016-11-07 4:22 pm
I would consider my options - looking for a country that didn't have a fascist leader. History tells us that "strong leaders" are drawn to the idea of declaring emergencies and requiring democracy to be suspended.. and rounding up of opponents. This is what the Trump movement is about - taking control of the country - not supporting democracy.

How many example of history do you need to see the path that Trump is heading down?
2016-11-09 5:14 am
Yes. I have been wanting to move out of this country for several years. I'm just working on being able to move abroad.
2016-11-07 4:25 pm
i'm bi-national
2016-11-07 5:32 pm
I look forward to Trump. He wants to be a peacemaker among nations. He is not sly and shifty like Hillary. She will embroil people overseas in more wars because she owes favors to investors who bankrolled her campaign.
2016-11-07 4:22 pm
No, but my money is fleeing the United States, and so will a lot of capital.
In case of a Trump victory, I will be opening up a foreign currency account and transfering my savings in Yen and Euros.

A Trump victory would mean it's time to bet against the U.S. Economy in a big way.

The currency markets are already reacting to surges in Trump's poll numbers by dumping dollars :


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