Hilary looks fresh and Trump looks exhausted and he's only running for president. do you think Trump will have the stamina to be president?

2016-11-07 4:06 pm

回答 (7)

2016-11-07 4:07 pm
I thought both sides grew tired of this argument already.
2016-11-07 4:08 pm
Trump has been very busy so yes.

Hillary has been taking long naps because she has no stamina.
2016-11-07 4:08 pm
Hillary's voice is going out and looks tired.
She sleeps a lot.
2016-11-07 4:07 pm
trump is campaigning in 5 states a day. clinton has everyone in the establishment, jay z, and lebron campaigning for her. and she still looks like a sick old hag. lol
2016-11-07 4:07 pm
LOL! Hillary hasn't looked fresh since 1975
2016-11-07 5:26 pm
She doesnt do much compared to him. She uses Botox, he doesnt. People who travel with Trump say he sleeps very little, is always on the phone or planning his next speech. He is a very active and energetic person. Hilary is not. Sorry, you made a good try on this one but everyone knows Hillary has physical problems. Also, Trump is alert and Hillary has memory loss.
2016-11-07 4:10 pm
“I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers”
Donald J. Trump, the next President of the United States!

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