Does it become difficult for you to live without an internet connection?

2016-11-07 1:06 pm

回答 (11)

2016-11-07 1:23 pm
yes it does as i spend lots of time on the computer and i have three computers in my apartment and always pay my bill on time
2016-11-08 11:29 pm
yes, because i use it as a lifeline
2016-11-08 9:31 pm
At this point yes because my life is boring
2016-11-08 4:57 am
Yes, but I pity myself for such difficulty.
2016-11-08 12:32 am
depends how you can manage. I cannot afford a connection or the aggravation my friends go thru with tech difficulties and expenses, I dont have family away to Skype, prefer to use telephone than email so I am ok going to library for Facebook , etc. I am not addicted as some ppl are so a couple or 3 times a week suits me fine. Again it depends on what u use it for. And... u get a lot more done in your house, I like to read. and go out socially often.. Again its up 2 u and what u can afford. My lo income friends say the slow service they can onlyafford just aggravates them .. The library here has top notch fast connection and state of the art computers. Good luck.
2016-11-08 12:18 am
2016-11-07 1:11 pm
I think it might be easier and bored for me
2016-11-07 1:09 pm
Not really, I usually manage to stop chewing the furniture once due restraint gets applied. Although that needs to happen pronto within about 30 seconds.
2016-11-07 1:08 pm
Yes! i do all my banking on the Internet.
2016-11-07 1:07 pm
Yes ... 😫

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