Letting a cat free roam on rural property?

2016-11-07 9:14 am
I currently live in the suburbs but I plan on moving somewhere more rural (Think like 20 or so acres of land) and I let my cat out from time to time so she can run around in my yard and my neighbors yard (Which they are okay with). I know some people feel very strongly about letting cats outside, but I just want a straight answer. Is there any reason I should not be letting my cat outside once I move? I have never had any problems for the whole 2 years she has been going outside, aside from the fact that she kills EVERYTHING.

Only predators where I plan on moving are coyotes, black bears (who are very scarce) and bobcats (who are also very scarce)

回答 (6)

2016-11-07 3:03 pm
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Those predators where you are moving will easily kill your cat if you let her roam unsupervised. I strongly suggest you build or buy an enclosure that attaches to the house via window or door. Your cat will be gone (dead or run away) within a short time if you don't supervise her outside time!
2016-11-07 11:53 am
Coyotes find that cats are a great snack. "Rural" does not automatically mean safe. IF you do let him out, be sure that you bring him in each and every night. Evening is the primary hunting time for coyotes, and if you let him out then, he's not going to come back. And the bobcats are not as 'scarce' as you think they are, as they hide much more than coyotes do. The also find housecats to be an easy meal - they catch full grown rabbits and they are much faster than a cat.

We had a pair of coyotes move into our wooded area some years ago. Prior to that we had tons of ferals/strays and quite a few outdoor pets. All of them were gone within a month - likely easy meals for the coyotes. They have bred and are still here, but no longer do the neighbors let their cats outdoors.
2016-11-09 7:00 am
Are you KIDDING me? So you need reasons other than the minor fact she "KILLS EVERYTHING" and you have "COYOTES"? Seriously?

First, pet cats hunt for sport not food. Your one cat could be killing up to a THOUSAND birds and small animals every single year. Why is this OK with you? Obviously you don't care enough about your cat to keep it indoors but why be so selfish that you let it slaughter wildlife????

Second, "just" coyotes??? Coyotes LOVE to eat house cats. There's also not "just" coyotes there's raccoons, cars, other cats carrying diseases.

Seriously - get - a - freaking - CLUE!
2016-11-07 1:11 pm
foxes and even coons take cats too
2016-11-07 9:15 am
There might be predators who might hurt your cat
2016-11-07 9:43 am
That's totally up to you, being aware about what might be out there to attack/kill your cat. Including any roads close by. I prefer for a cat to have the ability to get out for some fresh air and sun on their backs, but having a free-range cat always involves the possibility that one day it won't come back.

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