Credit card history. Should I open a new credit card account?

2016-11-06 7:54 pm
I'm young, college grad and besides buying a house and finally making my last loan payment, I have no credit history.

I just opened a credit card with bank of america in the hopes of building credit.

I have a lot of money in savings and absolutely want to remain debt free. I saw on Amazon that I can get $50 off my order if I sign up for their credit card.

Should I do it? I'm afraid I don't know much about credit and how to build my score. Will opening another credit card affect my score negatively in any way?

Again, I pay off all balances immediately.

I meant to say buying a CAR not a house. I currently rent

回答 (2)

2016-11-06 7:59 pm
You only need one credit card to maintain a good credit history. I'm not sure how it works in america but where I live in Canada, my bank told me that they see credit cards as potentional debt. The more cards you have, the lower your credit score. I had 2 credit cards. One had a $10'000 limit and the other had a $15'000 limit. Both had a zero balance. I make decent money and was buying a new truck. I was denied the loan, even with half paid up front. 2 credit cards hurt my credit rating as the bank saw it as $25'000 of potential debt. I cancelled one and they gave me the loan.

Again, I have no idea what it's like in America but this might be something to consider.
2016-11-08 9:54 pm
Opening more credit card accounts ruins your credit score.
2016-11-07 4:09 am
a second card will not really help your credit score go up, but if you are a regular Amazon customer, go for it*. Get one of their cards. {Having bought a car you should have a good credit score.} * Considering your cc is new, perhaps you should wait re: the Amazon offer. [2 to 1 says it will still be around a year from now.]
2016-11-06 7:58 pm
No. Stick with your Bank of America card for at least a year, using it carefully, before applying for any other cards. Applying for too many will bring your score way down as the computer algorithm will decide that you're in tight financial conditions, which is why you're applying for multiple cards.

There will always be some sort of card offer trying to get your business with some benefit. Learn to resist them. Most people will do fine with no more than two or three credit cards, and will see their credit scores go way up as they use them carefully.

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