what kind of exercises do I have to do to lose weight?

2016-11-06 12:12 am

回答 (4)

2016-11-06 12:17 am
Well - read some actual science on this. Exercise is about 5% of weight loss - the other 95% is diet. The best thing you can do is get an idea of what JUNK FOOD is and start getting that out of your diet. Exercise is important, but NOT eating garbage which makes you sick and fat is the most important thing to do.

There's a couple of really good books about this - one is "Fat Chance" - and the other is "Obesity Code" - both of those you can find on Amazon - and you can often get them used so they're cheap.

The trick here is to eat Actual Food - stuff like green vegetables, beans and some fruit...... and start getting the truly worthless processed garbage out of your diet. That's some work, so give it some time.

In the meantime exercise moderately - don't bother to kill yourself - it doesn't help that much.
2016-11-06 2:34 am
Just eat less; avoid sweets, starches, junk food and fast food.
2016-11-06 1:52 am
Low intensity exercises like walking and cycling.
2016-11-06 12:22 am
2016-11-06 12:15 am

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