Re: photoelectrons having different speed.?

2016-11-05 6:19 pm
As you said, photoelectrons can be emitted by atoms deep inside the metal, how come the work function only account for the energy needed for liberating an electron from the surface(not deep inside) of a metal?(It is from the answer)

Thank you for your help. It really helps me a lot.

回答 (1)

2016-11-06 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
By "deep", I mean several layers of atoms below the surafce. Photons may not be absorbed by the upper-most layer of atoms on the surface. There is plenty of chance that the photo could penetrate through several atomic layers before being absorbed. The ejected electron, will then drift to the surface and escape from it. The work function measures the energy needed by the electron, when it is on the surface, to escape.

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