don't you know hillary clinton is an awful choice??

2016-11-05 11:07 am

回答 (19)

2016-11-05 3:21 pm
Yet Trump is a worse choice, a racist hater ,who is inappropriate with woman, who had a fake University which is in the courts now. Donald seems a tad senile ask me.
2016-11-05 11:30 am
2016-11-05 11:25 am
All informed Americans do. It's those who believe the government is the solution to the problems that are living off other people's money, not accepting responsibility for their lives by forcing taxpayers to pay for their abortions and want to give the government more authority than the Constitution allows
2016-11-05 11:15 am
everybody knows it
2016-11-05 11:13 am
No, I don't know that.
2016-11-06 9:54 pm
A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue along the path youre currently taking. So far thats resulted in 9/11 and several other revenge atrocities.
2016-11-06 3:52 am
Of course she's an awful choice. As you can see the only thing her supporters can say on here is that Trump is racist.
Obama told people yesterday that Trump is a KKK member, lol. Some people are very gullible & actually believe that crap.
Hillary funded Muslim countries who kill women, and gays...yet people believe her when she says she's for them.
We weren't racially divided until Obama...he did this on purpose to divide us & it worked for many as you can see in here.
2016-11-05 11:15 am
Politics is an awful system, 2000 years of choice, and this is where we end up, the sad reality though, next election it'll happen again, pure insanity, repeating the same process over, and over, expecting next-time to be different.
2016-11-05 8:08 pm
She's not because Trump. I don't even have to explain...
2016-11-05 11:09 am
They are both awful, either way they are f*cked, I still would've voted for Bernie
2016-11-07 12:20 am
Yes I know that and that is why I didn't vote for her.
2016-11-06 8:00 pm
I know
2016-11-06 3:57 am
Not as awful as Donald Trump.
2016-11-05 6:13 pm
Yes I know!
2016-11-05 8:05 pm
The worst possible choice. I'm absolutely aware of that, yes.
2016-11-07 2:54 pm
Really? Trump is a despicable choice. No experience. Racist. Bigot. Fascist.
2016-11-07 2:14 am
Don't you know Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both an awful choice??
2016-11-07 1:45 am
those who are smart know she is terrible. she will continue to ruin our country and start where barry left off. his one regret he said was he didn't get control done now she will for sure get that, than your freedom will be gone.
2016-11-05 11:58 am
Well. It's either crooked Hillary Clinton or racist Donald Trump. Seems like a hard choice for who to vote for.

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