
2016-11-04 8:31 pm

回答 (3)

2016-11-05 2:00 am
2016-11-05 8:01 am
2016-11-05 5:51 am
At all times, you should seek professional legal advice.

The fact that you entered another person's home and drank a bottled water constitutes burglary. There were 2 potential mitigating factors:

1. The valued involved

It is obvious that there was no intent for burglary based on the value. If a person is truly intended to burglarize a home, $12 would not be the value taken (unless there was nothing there).

2. No intent

It is justifiable to take measures as necessary to avoid life-threatening danger. However, in this case, the danger posed may not be life-threatening.

Bottom line - the fact supports a guilty verdict.

But the key is the sentencing. Burglary usually allows imprisonment automatically given the severity of the crime. The question is how long. In this case, the act was stupid and the mitigating factors are lame. It does not mean it is valid.

If I was in your situation, I would not plea guilty unless a plea bargain agreement has been reached for the sentencing. It could mean that you may have to hire a lawyer outside, even a duty lawyer may be available.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 17:07:28
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