PLEASE HELP!!! I really like him. How do I win him back?

2016-11-04 6:45 pm
Hey so Im a 15 year old girl and my dads college friend has a son my age and they visited over the summer for a week and we really started to like each other. We talked about it after he left and we both decided we should just be friends because we live 10 hours away form each other but he said it could be different when they visit. He was even like and it will definitely be different in college, suggesting he would still like me in 3 years so he obviously really liked me. At first we were talking for a while but then right before we went to visit them I got the sense he didint feel the same way about me and I was right and he said he thinks it would be best if we were just friends even when we visited. When we visited them it was really awkward between us two which sucked and we didn't talk at all but it was only for a day. But then recently we started snap chatting again and they're visiting next weekend and I really miss him and I really want to be more than friends when they visit and I want to hu (make out not have sex) with him but idk if he's in to me at all. What do I do I really like him how do I tell if he's into me? Should I say something to him before they visit? PLEASE HELP!!!

回答 (3)

2016-11-04 7:08 pm
15 year olds rarely know what they want. Mostly they just want. And what they want changes rather quickly. Especially with boys. So don't be so heartbroken if he doesn't choose to be with you. It's also likely that in time you'll find someone else to like on. And that new like will probably end as well.

There are a TON of obstacles to overcome with a relationship you see every day. Put 10 hours between the two of you and the odds of a successful relationship go WAY down, to nearly zero percent chance of working out. Add in younger ages and you're approaching true zero percentages. That's why I suggest you make a conscious decision right now to let go of him. Likely he'll find someone close by him to be friends with, and he'll forget you quite fast. And it's just as likely you'll find someone close by to you.

In the end, you will probably forget about him. You may remember him for a few years, but in the long run, you'll have forgotten he even existed.

I'm getting close to 70 years old. There's only a very few girls I actually remember when I was 17. The one that stands out in my mind was the first girl/woman I truly loved, the first time I truly understood what love was. And I was a player back then. I had a LOT of girlfriends - that much I remember. But names and faces - sorry, I just don't remember most of them. In time you'll find the same is true of you.

Hope this helps.

Proud father of FIVE girls. WAY TOO MANY YEARS experience.
2016-11-05 9:02 am
Sorry, but that's life.
You will have many more opportunities in the years ahead.
Now is not always.
2016-11-04 6:49 pm
I think you should try to get over him and just stay friends because long distance relationships are very hard. if you hardly see each other is there benefits of being more then just friends? you can still talk/text each other and snapchat. why does it have to be a relationship thing right now? wait until you guys are older and get your drivers license's at least so then you actually have the freedom to see him whenever you want to.

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