I need a root canal on my front tooth, will I need to pull the tooth? A coworker says eventually I'll have to pull it.?

2016-11-04 6:43 pm

回答 (2)

2016-11-04 6:49 pm
If you need root canal and don't get it, you will almost certainly lose the tooth.

If you do get root canal, that will preserve the tooth, perhaps for decades. Eventually you may lose it, but tooth implants are extremely good nowadays.
2016-11-04 8:25 pm
a root canal can last you years and years, or it can fail and need retreatment or it can get brittle and crack, or it can decay further the same as any other tooth. if you choose not to root canal it you will most definitely have to get it extracted. getting it root canaled may allow you to keep it for many more years.

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