My Mother listens to music constantly?

2016-11-04 5:03 am
So over the last month or so, I introduced my Mother to Queens of the Stone Age and dessert rock, she immediately loved it and she's been obsessed with it since. She litterally listens to it all day, it's becoming unhealthy. All she talks about it Josh Homme ( the lead singer/guitarist of QOTSA ) and she's been acting very differently. She wants to get tattoos now, and she really wants to vandalize hotel walls cause I guess that's something that Josh does. She litterally listens all day, and if I try to get her to take her headphones out to tell her something, she gets very angry. Is this something I should be more worried about?

回答 (2)

2016-11-04 5:51 am
Other than the vandalism no. And potentially the tattoos. But shes just having fun. If it starts to really get in the way of her day to day duties than yes. But hold off a bit longer, she may calm and slow down. Shes a mother first and foremost. She may just be having the most fun shes had in a long time. The tattoos while maybe not a good idea is her choice. The vandalism is illegal. She can get in trouble for it. Is there someone you can talk to. Maybe her mom your grandmother. To talk her down. If need be. Or your father?
2016-11-04 10:01 pm
quit making up stories

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