Needing to break my lease, PLEASE HELP, need advice?

2016-11-04 1:14 am
I go to Appalachian State for college, and it s almost IMPOSSIBLE to break your lease. We moved in on August 5th and are supposed to stay here for a year, but I am miserable here and am having a hard time paying for the rent because my job isn t giving me the hours they promised me. We are wanting to break the lease, but in our contract it literally states that "there is no such thing as breaking a lease" but when I looked up the NC laws, it states that you have the right to break a lease if there are health and safety hazards- there is a HUGE roach problem in our apartment units, and I literally wake up with roaches crawling on me, and when I go to put my shoes on in the morning roaches crawl out. Is this a vallid reason to break my lease? Am I going to have to get the health department involved? and how will this effect my credit?

回答 (6)

2016-11-04 4:50 pm
if you think the health dept might be helpful in making an unhealthy environment, go for it
but your landlord should be doing something about the roach infestation if you have complained to him, it appears to me from your post you are not the cleanest tenant and this also can be remedied by your actions
of course you can move since you can't pay the rent but there will be costly consequences and you will probably end up at least in small claims court when he sues you
2016-11-04 4:04 pm
No it is not a valid reason, you inform the landlord in writing there is a roach issue so they can deal with it and get the health department involved if they don't.
A legal contract is a legal contract and you are bound by it so you will not get out of it for free and sounds like you will have to come to an agreement with your landlord to see if they will even allow it at a cost... the cost is likely to be loss of your deposit and you have to pay each and every month until end of the 12 months or the landlord finds a new tenant whichever is sooner......... or the landlord will take you to court and you will get a CCJ against you which will wreck your credit record
2016-11-04 2:21 pm
You need to request pest control. If they are unable to remedy the issue, then yes, that is a health issue.
2016-11-04 4:45 am
No, it is not a valid reason to break your lease. You have to report it to the landlord and give him a reasonable chance to fix the problem. When you sign a contract, you are bound by the terms. Most rental agreements do not allow for you to break the lease. It is inappropriate and premature to involve the Health Dept.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2016-11-04 3:14 am
Roaches are not a cause to break a lease, unless management does not respond to your request for remediation. You first must inform the management (in writing) that you have roaches. If they treat for the roaches, they are doing what is required.
2016-11-04 1:46 am
It shouldn't affect your credit but definitely report it to the health department. Cockroaches are a serious health hazard and it needs to be dealt with. It's good grounds to break your lease too.
2016-11-04 1:32 am
You are not going to be able to break a lease over roaches. Nice try.

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