Shall I go to court?

2016-11-04 12:37 am
Recently I made the silly mistake of sending a payment through bank transfer. A product was available on eBay for auction, I messages the seller asking for a buy now price and they responded with £450 which I payed straight away. However the buyer has not sent the good and keeps coming up with excuses . It has been a week now and the buyer has kept saying "I will send tomorrow ". It has gotten to a point where the seller has just stopped responding. Unsurprisingly the bank and eBay are unable to do anything about it, however in my eBay messages are evidence of me and the buyer agreeing terms and conditions and also a set date which have been failed to meet. Although there is no formal contract written and signed, do I have enough evidence to take this matter to the small claims court and win?

回答 (4)

2016-11-04 5:42 am
eBay has changed their polices so many times - are you sure that what you both did was within their policy? If eBay does not allow it, then are you sure you want to rat out yourself? The seller just went along with you. He could say since you asked, he assumed it was within their policy. It would not make it right - what the seller did but, you initiated it. That will be shown in the communication. Since eBay won't help you, you should be more patient. It might eventually come. A week is not all that long to wait for it to be sent. It still might be sent. You are rather impatient.
參考: eBay Buyer & Seller for well over a decade.
2016-11-04 1:05 am
Were you to be able to use PayPal in GB, you'd be protected. Were the seller to not send the item, the seller breached the contract with eBay. Before going to small claims court, you'll need to send an email requesting the seller to either send you the item within a certain time period or refund the money you paid within the same time period. You have the ability to use the eBay web site to contact the seller. Keep using eBay and contact the seller, and always reference the item number for the item you paid for. I suggest sending an email to the seller on eBay and come right out and ask when the seller will send the item to you. A £450 loss isn't something to ignore. Get as much information as you can about the seller and if the seller is in GB, you stand a good chance of getting the seller to refund your money. The seller is under contract with eBay to send the item to the buyer and if the seller doesn't do so, eBay may bar the seller from using eBay to either sell or buy items were you to have given enough time for the seller to comply and file a formal complaint with eBay and have this transaction taken to a higher level.
2016-11-04 12:40 am
When something like this happens to me eBay refunded my money in like 3 days
2016-11-04 12:38 am

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