Are there death walls at asking Alexandria if so that would be ******* awesome :D there my fave band I'm going to nov 10 with my 20 BF?

2016-11-03 10:45 am

回答 (2)

2016-11-04 9:52 pm
they're pretty heavy, so something like that could happen. however, a lot of venues don't allow moshing, circle pits, crowd surfing, or stuff like that...
they're my favorite band too:) I'm seeing them nov 16
2016-11-03 11:06 am
I have seen them. But each venue has its own rules regarding that stuff. As cool as they are they are incredibly dangerous. I have seen some horrific stuff happen as a result of them. The venue you are seeing them at may not be able to support them. But its a death wall they kind of just happen.

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