Please help me I beg?

2016-11-03 6:18 am
I'm 18 male. Never had sex. Ever. Masturbated now penis is swollen...please help me don't ignore me I beg help am panicking help!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (6)

2016-11-03 9:01 am
Stop masturbating and watching porn
after 4 months without masturbation you will gain more control over your urges
but this time will be difficult for you
You can also make a fake vagina at home if dying for sex just watch it on youtube
2016-11-03 6:22 am
Did you masturbate ? That 's sex isn't it
2016-11-08 11:50 pm
I see you are a time traveler also. Four months ago you posted a question saying you are married 24 years old male that is wondering after 6 years of marriage should you divorce your wire.
2016-11-03 10:42 pm
Your fine. The swelling is just skin irritation and will go down in an hour or so. NORMAL.
2016-11-03 3:59 pm
The foreskin is a wonderful aid to masturbation.
Vigorous or prolonged masturbation sometimes causes fluid to collect in the foreskin (edema) and cause swelling. It is harmless and will usually go back to normal in about twenty-four hours. Do not worry! You don’t need to do anything.
2016-11-03 1:43 pm
Not unusual for the penis skin to swell up sometimes after masturbation- just fluid accumulation that will go away in a few hours.

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