英文作文題目When I Feel Depressed 請高手指教,文法可能會錯很多 Our moods are like a roller coaster going up and down .And when l feel depressed,I would do 接著下面?

2016-11-02 5:43 pm
something interesting to relax myself.
One thing I usually do is went jogging.I usually see picturesque scene while I am jogging.Besides,I benefit a lot from the doing exercise,which makes me feel relaxed after a tiring day.And I also have another hobby for instance listening to music to relaxed myself when I was
ddepressed.With above ways that me released lots of
pressure and depression.
Line Q有人幫我改六點,學測英文14級分同學幫我改過兩句,不知還會不會錯很多,你們有Line Q嗎?Line Q回答可以用照片,你們看這個是不是要先寫好,在一個一個打上來?
所以我能了解你們要我用打的想法,因為你們要先寫好在打上來,但我是考生,所以建議你們可以用Line Q,這樣你們也可以拍照直接傳給我,省很多時間,謝謝,我以後有空也會在Line Q上回答問題,因為自己受別人恩惠,以後就要換自己去幫別人

回答 (4)

2016-11-03 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Errors and Corrections:-
-------And when I feel depressed, I would do something interesting to relax myself !
-------On Jogging Experience:-eg:-
------>One thing I usually do is jogging along uneventfully from countryside to countryside, and watching the beautiful scenery along.
------->Besides, I benefit a lot from doing exercises when I move along slowly, shaking up and down or from side to side, jogging my elbow and knees, evaporating sweats, drinking French Bonaquor Water,and jogging my memory to make someone remember my jogging along uneventfully in the President Park TW through my arm-e-watch calculator siren-warning.Let that be a warning to you prisoners,lineQ,non-photographing,eye-balls falling days .This exercises make me feel relaxed after a tiring day.

------->My other hobby are listening to a beautiful piece of music by Beethoven and also classical music. And watching TV programmes whenever I feel depressed.With the above methods, I hope I can release a lot of pressure and depression when I feel depressed. And suffer not from acute depression anymore.(no of words=160)
2016-11-03 3:56 am
Topic:" When I feel depressed " In my daily life, I have lots to do, as a matter of fact that sometimes my mood is like a roller coaster going up and down and in case of something interested will make me relaxed.
One thing I usually do is jogging.along and watching the beautiful scenery while I am jogging. Besides,I will benefit by doing exercises which makes me feel relaxed. Moreover, I have some hobby by myself for instance listening to music or watching TV so as to relaxed myself. Yip
ddepressed.With above ways that me released lots of
pressure and depression.
2016-11-02 11:39 pm
不行不行!拍照以後就不好搜尋了啊!教授 就抓不住偷抄襲的壞學生了啊!

你寫得真是不好.就算文法錯誤改正了,內容也是 虛應故事 平淡無奇.
2016-11-02 5:59 pm
謝謝推薦 LINE Q的廣告好少好乾淨喔
另外就是你寫的文章內容滿無趣的 所以比較難吸引人幫你改文法
如果沒有特殊的內容的話 你需要增加一點熱情或幽默 來吸引眾人的眼睛
而且你說得看起來像你有很多慢跑的經驗 那你對慢跑的想法應該不只這麼少可以和大家分享

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