Why are so many millennials living with their parent s?

2016-11-02 5:08 pm
I notice that a lot of 18 to 28 year olds live with (and sometimes under the control of) their parents. I remember the day of extreme violent rage when I moved out, packed everything I paid for into my car and moved in with my girlfriend. I was 20 and my parents were still trying to tell me what to do, even so much as to make me manage my finances like Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey. I was like "NO" and moved out. I had enough of the controlling ABUSE they inflicted on me and left. I d have chosen to live in my car over living with them. Even to this day I would NEVER live with them again. Why are so many millennials okay with being controlled by tyrants?

回答 (6)

2016-11-02 9:25 pm
cause some people are lucky enough not to have controlling parents like you did
2016-11-02 7:36 pm
Because they can't afford to live on their own.
2016-11-02 5:38 pm
On this site we daily find millennials who don't want to move out on their own until they are BUYING a house, have a nice car, can get nice things. And since their folks are okay with it.. perhaps their folks aren't the tyrants ours were!

My folks expected their kids to be on their own by 19 or pay a full share of all household expenses. Much cheaper to move!
2016-11-02 5:31 pm
Many millennials live with their parents past the age of 18 so that they can earn a university education and not end up being broke with few options and live as a "slave" (your word) to miserable minimum wage jobs.

Let me repeat back one of your other questions to you....sound familiar? Your situation is what many people try to avoid.

"this weekend my wife and i visiited them for labor day and my mom asked what happened to our car (its been in a little accident so its crunched in the back and the muffler fell off as well). I said we had and accident and she was like didnt insurance cover it? I said mom, we cant afford anything beyond liability, and even if we had full coverage, we couldnt afford to pay the deductable. she went off on me saying "but you can sure afford cell phones and internet" like its our fault were poor. How can I make her understand that were just victims of low income wage-slave jobs, we cant control what we make."

It sounds like everything has worked out just great for you.
2016-11-02 5:26 pm
Maybe their parents aren't as terrible as yours were. Or maybe they are more reasonable than you.
2016-11-02 5:12 pm
You see they are living with their parents not usually by choice, it costs a lot of money to live on your own and unless you have a college education with a really good Job it is hard to live alone these days. Maybe most people's parents are not like yours and it may be embarrassing to move back with your parents but it is a lot better than being homeless on the street.

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