So I always forgot to do my homework what should I do?

2016-11-02 3:16 pm

回答 (13)

2016-11-02 3:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
get a planner, write down the homework in it make notes to do it.
2016-11-02 10:47 pm
Think about money and how successful you will be when you graduate from high school and go to college. Think "If I do my homework I will be rich, If I don't I will be a hobo out on the street." Trust me I did this and I haven't missed a homework ever since and i'm in 10th grade in the Dual Enrollment Program. :)
2016-11-02 9:00 pm
Do it as soon as you get it
2016-11-02 3:42 pm
You "always forget"? I guess your teacher will always remember to fail you. Repeat after me, "Would you like fries with that?"
2016-11-02 3:25 pm
Do your homework. Like all of the stuff you haven't done to just get it over with.....
2016-11-05 5:24 am
If you're having trouble remembering that you did homework, just write the homework on your agenda everyday! You'll get used to the habit, and it will help you be successful in school because you won't get into trouble if you did your homework!

I would also recommend that you check your agenda right when you go back home from school and do your homework right after school because if you procrastinate, you may run into the risk of having unfinished homework past your bedtime!

An also awesome way to not forget to do homework is to get out your phone and set a reminder or alarm that is related to your homework, so that way, you don't have to forget that you had homework!

I hoped this helped you! Make sure that you don't forget to do your homework!
2016-11-04 11:18 am
Perhaps forget to go to school.
2016-11-03 5:42 am
Just do your homework.
2016-11-02 3:29 pm
Put a rubber band on your wrist when you have homework and remove it when done.
2016-11-02 3:22 pm
You should write it somewhere you always see.
2016-11-02 3:19 pm
Do better next time
2016-11-02 3:20 pm
Your homework
2016-11-07 3:58 am
Think that if you don't do your homework your dad will give it to you in the azz. Let's see if you can forget now.
2016-11-05 7:37 am
Only one solution is that STOP going school or college or your institution.
2016-11-05 4:19 am
put sticky note on your fridge saying do hmw
2016-11-04 7:09 pm
Write a reminder on a post-it note and put it on somewhere where you always look
2016-11-04 3:01 pm
You should try leaving notes on the places you check most often. like on your door, tv, front of your binder/notebook, or even put an alarm on your phone with a reminder on it saying "MATH HOMEWORK ON UNIT 2 P.274" or whatever it may be. being organized helps. i would know lmao
2016-11-03 3:55 am
A way to make it fun is what I call the gummybear trick. When reading your material whether its a textbook or reviewing notes, place a snack food like a gummybear or goldfish at the end of every paragraph. It s like an incentive to help you get through the boring stuff. Another thing you can do is actually put your phone out of the room while attempting your homework. Now I know homework is the most boring thing ever so taking a piece of paper and writing down a list with check marks next to them of the assignments is super good and a smart way to show yourself that in reality it s not actually that much work. Hope this helped :)))
2016-11-03 2:47 am
write it on your notes so you dont forget it
2016-11-03 1:19 am
Use the calendar on your phone/ a planner, mark the date (2-3 days before) the assignment is due.
If the assignment is due on the 15th then mark the assignment for the 11th or 12th, that way you get to finish it before its due that way you won't have to worry about it, and you can get help faster if you need any.
2016-11-04 5:40 am
Get a planner or if you have a phone set an alarm or a remainder, unless you want to flunk out of school I'd suggest you stop "forgetting" & take your schooling & education way more seriously than you actually do.
2016-11-03 10:25 pm
Copy off of someone else

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