2016-11-02 12:47 am
I'm getting a cavity filled tomorrow and I hate needles! Can I refuse the anasthetic and just go through the pain? I would much prefer that as I have a huge needle phobia!

回答 (5)

2016-11-02 3:17 am
hey there,

i've had two cavities filled now ;u;

if it makes you feel any better, before going to the dentist, ask if they have any numbing gel to apply to your gums BEFORE receiving a needle, it really DOES numb you super well and it doesn't really taste like anything - it makes the needle go in super smoothly and you won't feel much of anything.

and be sure to have your phone or mp3 player (if you've got one) and fill it full of your favourite songs to listen to while you're having a your procedure done!!

be strong!! it'll be worth getting the cavities filled and DEFINATELY worth having a local anesthetic. uvu

good luck!!
2016-11-02 1:17 am
You can ask but I doubt any dentist will do a filling without anasthetia.
2016-11-02 12:57 am
Think about that. You want someone in your mouth with a drill because you do not like needles. Best you close your eyes. Your teeth are attached to nerves that hurt like hell when in contact with a drill.
2016-11-05 4:20 pm
Cavity filling requires drilling and it is very painful.
2016-11-02 12:53 am

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