What is the Meaning of submitted resubmitted? In the Assigment Please?

2016-11-01 11:46 pm
Hi everyone my UK University as told me this "You have to resubmitted your assignment that this mean I can make any correction and change my assignment in order to pass it.

"Failed assignments may be submitted or resubmitted on two further occasions during course"

sorry but there is a question ment to put a question mark after pass So this mean I can make any correction and change to my assignment in order to pass ?

回答 (1)

2016-11-02 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. A resubmission is when you turn in your paper a second or third time. Your instructions state "two further resubmissions" so that's three times you can turn in your paper (the first submission, and twice more with revisions).

Good writing is rewriting!

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