Help with nanny position?

2016-11-01 4:21 pm
I am a nanny for 2 kids. I have been with the family for 4 1/2 years now and am very much relied on. Recently the mother asked me to spend the weekend (Thursday until Monday) watching the kids while they go to Rome. I have had plans for that Saturday for awhile now and didnt want to break them. I offered thursday and friday night but said I wouldnt be able to do Saturday and sunday. She asked me to take the kids with me to the dinner party I have on Saturday which I said no to because that would be inappropriate. Am I out of line for rejecting the rest of the weekend? Part of me feels bad and that she is putting me on kind of a guilt trip.

回答 (9)

2016-11-02 2:18 am
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no you're an employee. They should have asked well in advance, and you are correct, you don't take children of your employer to a dinner party. She isn't putting you on a guilt trip, she is putting you in an awkward position that you didn't deserve to be put in. I would have said no to the entire weekend, that I had already made plans. Now she thinks she can coerce you into giving up your weekend since you were negotiable to start with. Stand your ground. She is crossing a boundary she has no right to.
2016-11-01 5:36 pm
You have plans and simply aren't available. Its unfortunate for them, but last minute plans they get what they get. Honestly I wouldn't have offered the two days prior either - what are you to do when they don't have another sitter arranged for the weekend??
2016-11-01 4:24 pm
If you already had plans, then no, it is not wrong of you to say you are not available for the weekend.

She should not be putting you on a guilt trip for not canceling your plans, or for not taking her kids with you to some personal dinner party. That's rude of her.
2016-11-01 5:58 pm
You could look up some local child-care agencies, and suggest them. When your employers get a look at the people available from them, and the high costs involved, they'll either offer you a huge bonus to cancel your plans and take care of the children over the four-day weekend, or settle for second-best from the agency.
2016-11-01 4:38 pm
It sounds like they don't have anyone else to watch the kiddos. You have plans and it seems they didn't ask before they booked a trip bout your schedule and just assumed you would be OK it it. I would either stick to our guns or make them pay a significant amount to accommodate your losses.
2016-11-01 4:24 pm
You are right. I don't see her cancelling her Rome trip because you can't take care of the why should you cancel your date. She can find someone else. Don't feel guilty.
2016-11-01 4:29 pm
It sounds like she expects you to work solely for her. Are you are full time round the clock nanny or just a day nanny? If you are just there during the day, she can't order you around like that on your "off" hours. Tell her you simply cannot take care of the kids during that time and that she needs to make arrangements with someone else.
2016-11-04 10:59 pm
i wouldnt have said anything and i wouldve just hired someone for the kids
2016-11-01 6:53 pm
She needs to put out for you.

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