回prisoner26535 · 19 小時前,我等級1字數有限沒辦法用打的......可以請你按複製在查詢網頁嗎?英文真的很不好,需要您的幫忙,英作不想一直一錯再錯了 解答
回答 (2)
那你就可以把這一大題 分作 32小題.每題一句話 醬子不就 繞過了 字數的限制了嗎?
哈哈哈!我寧願 斷一隻手 幫你解決 你偷懶的問題.一輩子受益的喔!
等一等!有神人說我的壞話?只有"英語水平"?稱讚人 有只挑不重要的 來稱讚的嗎?
說我美麗大方超級酷 應該就可以的.英語水瓶 就是太膚淺的.
Very lazy to type,it is a very blurred photography;
You make prisoners difficult to see through clearly;
Something horizontal whose shape is not clearly seen/read;
The photo appeared as a blur in the mist;
The memory of the computer-photo is only a blur.
Tears blur our eyes!
Warning:-Homework must be done at home from school so as to learn and prepared for what is studied at school TW.
How can we answer your blurred photo?!
=You cannot answer our blurred eyes !?
Tears blur our eyes !
收錄日期: 2021-04-30 21:33:32
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