Are the iPhone 7 safe to have cause I heard they are dangerous and they are blowing up. I have one and I want to know?

2016-10-31 10:36 pm

回答 (7)

2016-10-31 10:38 pm
Yes they are. It is Samsung Note 7 that are burning up.
2016-11-03 3:21 pm
yeah its the note 7 thats blowing up.
2016-11-01 3:27 pm
You have like a 5% chance lithium ion batteries are sometimes unstable
2016-11-01 4:33 am
The iPhones are NOT the ones blowing up. The phones that catch fire and explode are the Samsung Note 7 and now they are seeing the same problem with some Samsung edge 7 phones. (Only thing the Apple iPhone and the Samsung phones have in common is they both have the number 7 in their name.) The Note 7 phones have been recalled and they are looking into the Edge 7 phones now.
2016-10-31 11:10 pm
There have been several iPhone 7 batteries catching fire. Not a big risk.
2016-10-31 10:39 pm
If it were a serious risk, Apple would have recalled all of them by now. So I would say that it is way for now. I still have a crappy iPhone 5c that still works
2016-10-31 10:37 pm

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