Atheist and Christian can you answer my question thanks?

2016-10-31 7:16 pm
In the bible said you must forgive others than God will forgive you if not God won't

so if a rape victim who was rape & can't forgive the person who rape her

like that God won't forgive her also ?

If can't forgive someone who abuse you also wrong ? God won't forgive also ?

回答 (10)

2016-10-31 7:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Forgiveness is the For Going of your right for justice to God

it does not mean making what they did okay
2016-10-31 7:18 pm
Actually the bible suggest that you should marry the rapist
2016-11-01 4:23 am
2016-10-31 9:02 pm
God is reasonable. Even HIS forgiveness is contingent on genuine repentance.

In the Bible, rape is a crime punishable with death in the Bible. (Deuteronomy 22:25-27) There is no reason to forgive someone as good as dead in God's eyes.
2016-10-31 7:40 pm
Someone who is badly hurt will obviously have a difficult time forgiving the one who hurt them. In fact it may be impossible simply by their own efforts. But nothing is impossible for God. With His grace we can forgive, and live the rest of our lives free of the pain that results from withholding forgiveness.
2016-10-31 7:24 pm
Gets you coming and going. If you read the rules, then the only way anyone gets into heaven is if they confess all their sins and repent, moments before death, and then don't think or do anything until they die.
2016-10-31 7:24 pm
Atheist here.... the God will forgive you if not God won't don't apply to us... but we follow the law and care about people... so will help the victim and let the law take care of the attacker... no deity of the thousand available need it for that.
2016-10-31 8:08 pm
A person can know with certainty Jesus exists and is God by practicing true devotion to the Immaculate Virgin.
2016-10-31 7:20 pm
No, that doesn't even follow !!!! You don't hope the rapist goes to Hell. And you don't deny that God can make the situation fine and whole (like He did with the Crucifixion) you simply have work to do ....but you pray so as to more and more forgive.
2016-10-31 7:28 pm
Gods don't exist and therefore, your question is irrational.

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