active 同 inactive 既verb 係咩?

2016-10-31 8:11 am
active -adj
action - noun

咁active 同 inactive 既verb 係咩?

回答 (3)

2016-10-31 9:39 am
active adj; noun._
activate v---make activeprocess start working, accelerate a reaction in the engine,eg:- by heat,by the radiation from the the same engine.The burglar alarm is activated by theif.The gene is activated by a protein.
act v:-----Act is the verb form for perform actions, do something:-eg:-The time for talking the poor is past; we must act at once.The girl's life was saved because the doctors acted at once.The medicine acts on the heart at once.They have acted generously by donating money.The pump is not acting well. The bus-brakes would not act !
active----> eg:-actor:-An actor who acts (verb)on the stage,TVB, in films,event is taking an active part in the event.A girl with an active(adj) brain will be more successful than a dull. She takes an active(adj)/lively part in school activities."active" ,being characterized by activity, is commonly used.

The pattern for inact=do not act<> inactive
inactive v:-do not make active:-To inactivate;
eg:-After inactivate a virus, the doctors may inject some new penicillin and morphia into the blood-stream.
inactive----inert power to move or act;inert matter,inert gases;Heavy and slow in mind or body is inertia. and in a state of being inert.
2016-10-31 9:31 am
你問的這詞意的verb = act
因為act本身的意思是主動性的,在用於動詞時一般不會需要一個字寫作是"不做"的,因為句式結構"不"(do not)..."做"(act)。
2016-10-31 8:25 am
Active voice (主動式) 是句子中的 Subject 去做verb 所說的動作。而
passive voice (被動式) 句子中的 subject 是接受 個verb 的那個動作。


而英文在表達 passive voice 時,動詞的結構是:
be + participle ..... by ...

句子中的 “verb to be” 的轉變表達 tenses.
“by” 後面的名詞執行動作

被動式通常用於 接受動作的是焦點,比執行動作的更重要。


Miss Chan punishes me. (主動式)Miss Chan 執行 punish 那動詞。
I am punished by Miss Chan. (被動式)
你有沒有察覺到主動式的 “me” 變了 “I”
當我們轉 active voice 為 passive voice 要注意 pronoun 也要按需要作改變。

Miss Chan punishes us.
We are punished by Miss Chan.
你有沒有留意到 pronoun 和 verb to be 的改變?
記得 verb to be 和 subject 要配合。

Miss Chan may punish them.
They may be punished by Miss Chan.
當有 auxillary verb 時,verb to be 就會是 “be”

Miss Chan punished John.
John was punished by Miss Chan.
因為是 past tense,verb to be 變了 past tense 的 “was”

Miss Chan will punish you tomorrow.
You will be punished by Miss Chan tomorrow.

Miss Chan has punished her.
She has been punished by Miss Chan.
用 “has” 還是“have” 主要看 subject
在這裡,verb to be 變成了 past participle “been”

Miss Chan had punished the little dog.
The little dog had been punished by Miss Chan.

有些情況,我們會將 “by xxx” 隱藏。
Someone stole my wallet.
My wallet was stolen. (無需要寫 by someone)

2012-06-04 13:14:36 補充:
而英文在表達 passive voice 時,動詞的結構是:
be + participle ..... by ...

而英文在表達 passive voice 時,動詞的結構是:
be + participle

而英文在表達 passive voice 時,動詞的結構是:
be + participle ..... by ...

當不知道是誰做的或由誰做的完全不重要時,可以沒有 by (who)

2012-06-04 13:15:49 補充:
有些時候,可以將 past participle 當形容詞,表達被動式。一般來說,這個用法大多用於 action verb.
a broken vase
frozen meat

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