Keep trying to ask a question here and it keeps getting put in science and mathematics. Trying to find out what else I need, if anything.?

2016-10-31 5:07 am
Bought an Amazon firestick. Do I have to subscribe to anything for extra money or do I just plug it in to my tv and watch tv for free. Is there a catch, or? I do have wifi.

回答 (2)

2016-11-01 2:29 am
Whatever the category...

Buying something without a least a basic understanding of its use is not an intelligent act.

Read up on Anything you find interesting Before you spend your money!
2016-10-31 5:15 am
Did you even read the product description?
No it does not give you free TV in the sense that anything that normally cost money, will cost money now as well. And everything that is normally free, will be free there as well.
You still have to pay for Netflix, Hulu, HBO or any of the other subscription based services.

It is basically just a computer, so think of it like one.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:29:24
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