How To Use A Remote Shutter Release to Start and Stop Video Recording on a D3200 Nikon?

2016-10-31 12:44 am

I just got a Remote Shutter for my camera and I have my camera sitting on a tripod on a table to film Sunday church. Now with my camera I have a video limit of 20 minutes so I want to use my remote shutter to start the video instead of having to get up on the table and press the record button again.

回答 (3)

2016-10-31 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You don't.

Link to the manual:
Page 33.

Please note that your D3300 is designed for still image capture. Video capture is a "convenience feature".

Lets go to page 88: Recording movies. The instruction is: "Press the movie-record button to start recording." Not "Remote shutter release".

Assuming you are using the Nikon ML-L3 remote, is is designed as titled: to control the shutter button. When we look at page 88 and see the Movie-record button and the shutter button are different.

The supplied remote will not trigger the movie record button to start recording movies.

While we are here,You want to know about the other known, published, problems when using a dSLR designed for still image capture and use its secondary "convenience feature" of video capture:

Page 89: Each movie file can be up to 20 minutes long. Note that a camcorder designed to capture video will not have this limitation.

Pages 89 & 91: The camera can overheat and shut down to cool off - and cannot be used until cool enough. Live View may automatically turn off to reduce overheating. Note that a camcorder designed to capture video will not have this limitation.

Page 90 & 91: Internal camera noise will be recorded by the internal mic. Use of an external mic is suggested.

If you obtained this dSLR specifically for video - and long video sequences - the incorrect tool was obtained - sort of like using a hammer to pound in a screw.

None of this means the dSLR cannot get good video - it can. But if video is your primary goal, then a device designed to capture video is a way better path forward. I like the depth of field a large sensor and interchangeable lens system flexibility that dSLRs offer, but knowing they are not designed for video had to jump to a Sony NEX-EA50UH - about 5x more than your entry-level dSLR. But I don't have the overheating issues or file duration limitations have better external mic connectivity and lots of good manual controls on the outside of the camcorder that a still-image capture device has...
2016-10-31 3:19 am
See page 33 in your manual.
2016-10-31 2:40 am
Read the manual.

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