College help ?

2016-10-30 3:27 pm
How do I do good in college even though I did bad in high school ? I graduated high school with a bad GPA guys I barely made it through because I was lazy. High school went by fast and bad for me I had to go to a credit recovery school and catch up on credits to even graduated with my class even then I didn't study or even practice. So I have no high school work even remembered In my brain. I was highly depressed as a kid and thru high school so I never hung out or did sports because I was always overthinking. I'm seein a doctor before I see school to better my cofidence and skill but how does someone like me who has Barely high school work or math skills get thru community college to get into a school like Berkeley California who has a wrong acceptance rate..... I want to do good in community college I want to go to Cal it's just I was dumb in high school so wouldn't it just continue on in college ......

回答 (2)

2016-10-30 3:59 pm
Go to a community college and see how you do.
2016-10-30 3:40 pm
Go to community college first. They are experts at helping borderline students succeed, and will help you get up to speed before you, someday, transfer to a four-year school.
Make an appointment with a counselor and be candid about your academic shortcomings. They will guide you through the process. You may need to spend three years at community college instead of one, to make up any academic deficiencies... but you can do it.
Many, many people in your situation have successfully graduated from college.

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