Where do we go in case of a nuclear attack?

2016-10-30 2:22 pm
In the UK, if a nuclear attack happened then all TV channels would be suspended and taken over by the Emergency Broadcast System. The EBS would explain the enormity of the situation and what to do including finding 'shelter'. What is 'shelter'? There are no nuclear fallout shelters available to the public as far as I am aware! I do not have a basement or nuclear shelter myself and I'm willing to bet most of the UK does not either. So a nuclear attack is imminent, the TV channels have been interrupted by the blood curdling EBS where a automated man/woman tells us to seek shelter! Where do we go? We would have nowhere to go!

回答 (9)

2016-10-30 2:59 pm
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The advice will be to shelter at home. Staying at home and sheltering may protect us from the initial blast if we are more than 5-6 miles from where the explosion occurs. With enough advance warning, we may be able to make one room better protected from radiation. In our own homes, we will have some access to food and fluids and whatever else we need for basic comfort. Also, we will be known to whatever local administration is established in a post-nuclear situation so that emergency aid, such as clean water, can be provided if available.
Suppose we survive the initial nuclear attack because we are well away from its epicentre, we still face the problem of a radioactive environment because of fall-out. This means we will have radioactive water supplies and radioactive food crops. Radiation poisoning could still kill us or leave us susceptible to various cancers, and either sterility or a raised risk of having damaged babies in the future. Some people would die from radiation poisoning.

Some of us lived through the Cuban missile crisis in the 1960s and the government 'public information' programme (called 'Protect and Survive') in the 1970s. In case you are interested, here is a link to one of the government information films from the 1970s.

Given the choice, I'd rather be at the epicentre and be vaporised in a fraction of a second.
2016-10-30 2:30 pm
There will be nowhere to go. If it does happen and you survive then your problem will be avoiding the security patrols whose job is to dispose of anyone who they believe may be contaminated. Good luck.
2016-10-30 2:26 pm
We don't go anywhere. We die.
2016-10-30 2:33 pm
You won't need a shelter as you will be dead and don't believe the rubbish about EBS as all the TV sets will be melted.
2016-10-30 4:29 pm
The emergency broadcast system was dismantled in 1992. There would be no automated warning for UK citizens in the event of a nuclear attack.
2016-10-30 3:35 pm
Rather than having to live after a serious nuclear attack (Nuclear Winter) I'd rather die. So having nowhere to go pretty much sums up what might be the effect of nuclear war. It's not like the Germans dropping conventional bombs on London etc. In a million years. There are bunkers for those left to pick up the pieces, if possible, but for the entire population of the UK as with most countries - nope.
2016-10-30 3:01 pm
I'm hiding behind the sofa....!
In all honestly I think a Post Apocalpse world would be more scary than the event itself.
Nice knowing you all...
2016-10-30 2:34 pm
Nukes may be a hoax, you know. Ask the sheeple why there's so little evidence of contamination in Hiroshima and Nagaski even within a decade of the alleged bombings, they don't answer and if they do it isn't very convincing. .

edit:@Verulam 2 - they only had 71 years to dream up that excuse ,but recently you were claiming that it WAS still producing radiation victims - not very consistant.

2016-11-13 8:43 am
run outside, enjoy the last fireworks, better that way.........
2016-10-30 9:40 pm
I know this might sound odd ,, but the best place to be is outside,so that you are incenerated in the intial blast wave.. anyone left alive after a detonation will ultimately die and lingering horrible death by radiation poisoning
2016-10-30 6:00 pm

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