I want to take a home loan but I am not sure of the kid of interest rate to take. Please suggest.?

2016-10-30 10:08 am

回答 (7)

2016-11-01 5:23 am
Take it where and you don't take interest rates anywhere and leave your kid out of the equation.
2016-10-30 10:26 am
There are two kids of interest rates- fixed rate home loan and floating rate. Both are good in their respective ways. You can take a fixed rate of interest if you are conservative in your approach and do not want to take a chance with market fluctuations.
2016-10-31 5:17 pm
you take whatever is offered that you can afford
it is not likely that you are getting more than one offer for a mortgage loan so whatever the lender is offering is what you will accept unless you shop around
2016-10-30 5:18 pm
Are you referring to a mortgage? Post your question again,void of spelling
2016-10-30 3:38 pm
By the kind of interest rate you would like to take, man that you are trying to make up your mind about taking an adjustable rate or a fixed rate mortgage.

The these are your options as to which you would like to have. Most individuals would select the fixed rate for a 30 year term. This way their monthly mortgage rate would not change for the entire term of the mortgage loan.

If you are speaking of the interest rate you would get, this is determined by your credit score and could be influenced if you you want to roll the loan fees and points into the mortgage loan. This rate could also be influenced by the mortgage loan program in which you would qualify for.

You would not have a choice of selecting this rate.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you,good luck.

2016-10-30 11:35 am
Speak to the mortgage advisor and ask them to explain about the rates to you, final costs and more detail so you understand the differences
2016-10-30 10:09 am

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