electric/ heated blankets?

2016-10-29 7:05 pm
today, I bought an electric blanket for my bed. the one I had was getting old and it was too warn out and it wasn't heating up as well so my mom and I decided to get me a new one. The problem I have with this one is that it has a 10 hour automatic off switch and I don't get why. I'm usually good at remembering to turn it off. I don't want a 10 hour off switch, i find that annoying. All the ones I seem to see have that ten hour off switch and I want to know why they have them. I think it's dumb and I want my blanket on for as long as I am in bed. Now that my blanket has than ten hour off switch, I can't turn it on sooner. i had one that had that automatic off switch and it was a pain in the ***. I wish it had an automatic switch than you can control, you know set the off switch to a certain time. I just don't get why they have them. If people really needed a reminder to turn off their blankets, that's what their phone is for. I have no problems remembering to turn it off and I don't feel the need to have an automatic off switch. I don't get it...

回答 (6)

2016-10-29 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Check its box description before buying. Some even has just two hours heating and then shut down completely.
What you need is the old type blanket but I am afraid no more existed in market.
Your blank can be bypassed its timer control by jumping a wire through its control output terminal, then it turns on forever.
2016-10-29 7:25 pm
If you are in bed for longer than 10 hours, perhaps you should be thinking that there is something wrong with you.
2016-11-01 7:07 pm
It is a very sensible feature so that people don't have to remember to turn off the blanket. Even though electric blankets use little energy, some people get upset when they realise they have left a blanket on for 24 hours. Don't panic, just read the instructions. If you sleep for less than 10 hours, there will still be an easy way for you to switch the blanket off. Or if there is a reason why you need to have the blanket on for more than 10 hours, there will be an easy way to reset it.
2016-11-02 6:05 am
It has that switch so you don't immolate yourself in your sleep if you forget to turn it off. I am sure you could bypass the switch though if you know anything about basic electrical circuits. If you catch on fire though its your own fault.
2016-10-30 5:04 pm
Boo hoo You should of looked at the box @ the store BEFORE you brought it home thered we would not need to read you story lol
2016-10-29 7:09 pm
You just bought the wrong blanket. You can buy blankets that have a 'all night' setting in addition to the normal pre heat switch position.

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