Why do Islam and Muslims hate the West and it's dominant religion?

2016-10-29 5:32 pm

回答 (12)

2016-10-29 5:36 pm
This has to do with what they believe about what is best in life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj2SKGFa9-8
2016-10-29 5:39 pm
Because the west invades the land and profited off oil.
2016-10-29 6:11 pm
Where do you get your information that a religion hates the west and I'm assuming you're referring to Christianity in its many forms?
Where do you get your information that Muslims hate the west and again the assumed various forms of Christianity?

As a westerner and a Muslim with many Christian family members I can assure you the religion of Islam and Muslims neither hate the west or Christianity.
I'm sorry that your perception of us is not only incorrect but patronising and slanderous, but hey... It's not anything I have not heard repeated by those lacking an education many times before. You're not the first and I'm certainly sure you won't be the last.
Westerners are Muslims, Muslims are westerners!
The Bible and it's followers are considered people of the books. We hold no hatred towards a location nor the religion of Christianity. You are misinformed!
2016-10-29 5:49 pm
We would like to know too. Especially about "it's dominant religion".
2016-10-29 5:35 pm
Idk let's ask the millions of Muslims who've lived in the west for hundreds of years that haven't caused much trouble
2016-10-29 6:08 pm
Most of the enmity and resentment comes from the wests push for war and constant interventionism in Muslim countries .
Let's be honest and stop trying to frame it as though everyone is a fanatic without any legitimate grievances.
2016-10-29 6:02 pm
Their religion tells them to. They treat non-muslims with contempt and women as property.
2016-10-29 5:57 pm
Contrary to their own sages and caliphates of old while modern Islamic extremes call for genocide of all Jews and Christians (never before) they are politically in bed with god hating atheist nations! Think on that...
2016-10-29 5:43 pm
It's easy to hate.

Ask Americans. They seem to hate themselves if you follow US politics.
2016-10-29 6:44 pm
Muslims hate everthing and everybody, even themselves. Do you see how they kill more Muslims than any others?

Their continual wars, as for example Syria, is certain proof they are not of God and hate God.
2016-10-29 6:04 pm
1. the world monetary system, the petrodollar, and fiat (fake) money-printing
2. arrogance and forcing everyone to be alike in "democracy" and "freedom", neoliberals co-partnering with God
3. violence and military warfare enforcing the monetary system
4. economic sanctions and economic warfare, crony capitalism operating under the guise of a free market
5. the dilution of old religion and the loss of spiritualism
6. Western Christians (NATO countries) are not seen as true Christians as the Orthodox Christians are

Imran Hosein:
Jewish Christian ‘white’ war crimes now inflicted on Arab Muslim Iraq are but a continuation of ‘white’ apartheid inflicted on black Christian Africa.
Their greed is indescribable. They suck the wealth of all of mankind through legalized theft, and they even take from the poor the little that they possess. Eventually they imprison all of mankind in a new economic slavery. They are essentially godless and amazingly decadent, and possess such powers of deception that ‘appearance’ and ‘reality’ are always opposite to each other in everything they do.

We are in End Times and Christians are dealing with Gog and Magog.
Gog and Magog introduced imposter Israel into Jerusalem.
Gog and Magog are oppressing the world and they are the world's greatest oppressors.
Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein Interview The End Times
2016-10-29 6:13 pm
Because the west invade Muslim countries.

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